The world burns. Our hearts bleed.

Nicholas de Wolff
2 min readNov 14, 2015

Last night was a horrific addition to a terrifying and increasing trend of global violence. In just the past few months, more than 300 bombings and terrorist attacks have killed thousands around the world:

Paris, France
Baghdad, Iraq
Beirut, Lebanon
Sinai, Egypt
Jacobabad, Pakistan
Maiduguri and Yola, Nigeria
Mulai, Nigeria
Garissa University, Kenya
N’Djamena, Chad
Ankara, Turkey
Maiduguri, Nigeria
Al-Hasakah, Syria
Douma, Syria
Kabul, Afghanistan
Diyala Province, Iraq
to name but a few…

This is NOT a targeted attack on Western values. It is a despicable assault on global humanity, which can only be overcome once we all unite to defeat it, irrespective of our differing religious, political, or other beliefs. The demon that destroys the lives of our fellow humans in all corners of the world must be forced into the light, so that it can no longer hide behind the false facades it has used to keep us suspicious of one another to date.

Do not blame Christians or Muslims for acts perpetrated by demons claiming to be motivated by a God that does not exist in the minds and hearts of good people.

